

A running around noob, just wondering and wandering.

Regex Expression Tutorial

When using regular expressions (Regex), we can process text data through pattern matching and searching. Regular expressions are powerful tools used to find, replace, and extract specific patterns in strings.

Basic Syntax of Regular Expressions#

Regular expressions consist of characters and special characters used to describe the rules for matching text. Here are some examples of common regular expression metacharacters and character classes:

  • Letters and Numbers: Use ordinary letters and numbers to match corresponding characters, such as a, b, 1, 2.

  • Dot (.): Matches any character except a newline.

  • Character Class ([...]): Matches any character listed within the square brackets. For example, [abc] matches the characters a, b, or c.

  • Quantifiers (*, +, ?): Specify the repetition of the matching pattern. * means matching zero or more times, + means matching one or more times, ? means matching zero or one time.

  • Backslash (\): Used to escape special characters and treat them as ordinary characters. For example, \. matches the period character ..

Common Operations of Regular Expressions#


Regular expressions can be used to check if a specific pattern exists in a string. The test() method can be used to check if a string matches a regular expression. For example:

const pattern = /abc/;
const str = 'abcdefg';

console.log(pattern.test(str));  // true

In the above code, the regular expression /abc/ matches the 'abc' in the string 'abcdefg'.


Regular expressions can also be used to replace parts of a string. The replace() method can be used to replace the matched parts with specified content. For example:

const pattern = /apple/g;
const str = 'I have an apple. Apple is delicious.';

const newStr = str.replace(pattern, 'orange');
console.log(newStr);  // "I have an orange. Orange is delicious."

In the above code, the regular expression /apple/g matches all occurrences of 'apple' in the string 'I have an apple. Apple is delicious.' and replaces them with 'orange'.


Regular expressions can also be used to extract parts of a string that match a specific pattern. The exec() method can be used to execute the regular expression and return the matching result. For example:

const pattern = /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/;
const str = 'Today is 2022-01-15.';

const result = pattern.exec(str);
console.log(result);  // ["2022-01-15", "2022", "01", "15"]

In the above code, the regular expression (\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) matches the date portion in the string 'Today is 2022-01-15.' and returns an array. The first element of the array is the entire matched string, and the subsequent elements are the captured parts within parentheses.

Applications of Regular Expressions#

Regular expressions have wide applications in programming, such as:

  • Data validation: Regular expressions can be used to validate user input data against specific format requirements, such as email addresses, phone numbers, etc.

  • Text processing: Regular expressions can be used for text searching, replacing, extracting, and other operations, such as extracting specific information from log files.

  • Data cleaning: Regular expressions can be used to clean and format data, such as removing special characters, converting date formats, etc.

  • URL routing: Regular expressions can be used to define URL routing rules for matching and extracting parameters.


Regular expressions are powerful tools for matching, replacing, and extracting specific patterns in text. Mastering the basic syntax and common operations of regular expressions can help us handle and manipulate text data more effectively. Through practical applications in programming, we can discover the wide range of uses of regular expressions in various domains.

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